Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sotfware Arabic Complete Book Collection

Yellow Book is a software named "Al-Maktabah al-Syamilah", Al-Ishdar 2 (Complete Library, Version 2), consists of some 1800 books, which are grouped in 29 areas. This software is published by the network of al-Da'wah Islamiyah Misykat.

Book that has been enjoyed by perhaps only through writing on paper, either on yellow paper (sehinggah called yellow book) and in the white paper, requires a separate effort to have it, the price is quite expensive, the place that must be provided special treatment for not damaged by insects , fungus, moist air, and others. By installing this software, it is hoped the matter could be resolved.

Book a computer program is free, no need to buy it, no need to provide a large space to accommodate thousands of books, each of which may consist of dozens of volumes. Book this model will not be damaged by interference above, even if the computer is damaged or defective programnyapun, then simply re dicopykan only from the original program, God willing, will be enjoyed again with ease.

This software is very suitable for the Asatidz, the Kiai, the study of Islam, Islamic lecturers, library and boarding schools. Please note that this software contains a book of Islamic turath accordance with the schools of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaat in various versions.

Pesantren Virtual has obtained permission directly from the network of al-Misykat to participate distribute the software to the Muslims, Islamic boarding schools, Islamic schools and Islamic institutions that require the software for free.

List of Science and the Book Number in depth

This software includes a variety of books in various fields
In the field of tafsir (52 books) includes Tafsir Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Al-Baghawi, Al-allusions, Al-Bahr, Fath al-Qadir, Ad-Durrul Mantsur, Jalalain, Al-Khazin, Az-Zamakhsyari, Abdis Ibn Salam, Sayyid Thanthawi , Adh-Dhilal, Al-Qushayri, etc..
In the field of Ulumul Qur'an (43 books), include I'rabul Qur'an, Asbabu Nuzulil Qur'an, Al-Itqan, Misykatul anwar, Fadlailul Quran, Quran Majazul, Lubabun Nuzul, At-Tibyan, Asbabun Nuzul, Ahkamul lisy Sayfi'iy Quran, Koran li Ahkamul Ibni Arabiy, etc.
In the field of Fiqh, the book is placed within the four separate schools. For the madhhab of Imam Syafi'y, 19 books that are available is Al-Umm, I'anatuh Thalibin, Wahhab Fath, Fath Mu'in, Asnal Mathalib, Al-Majmu ', Raudlatuth Thalibin, Hasyiah Qalyubi wa Umairah, Mughnil Muhtaj, Nihayatul Muhtaj , Hasyiah Bujairimi alal Khatib, Hasyiah Bujairimi alal Minhaj, etc..
In the madhhab of Imam Malik (14 books), Ash-Syarhul Kabir, Bidayatul Mujtahid, Mukhtasar Khalil, At-Taju wal Iklil, Mawahibul Jalil, Hasyiyah Ad-Dasuqi alasy Syarhil Kabir, etc.. In schools there are 17 books of Imam Hanafi, and Maliki madhhab Imam there are 14 books.
In the field of Sufism, / Morals are Ihya Ulumiddin, Riyadlush Righteous, Al-Kabair, Al-Futuhatul Makiyyah, Qutul Qulub, Al-Risalatul Qusyairiyyah, Al-Adzkar, etc..
General classification includes the book Tafsirul Ahlam, Ta'tirul Anam fi Tafsiril Ahlam, Mausu'ah Tafsiril Ahlam, Mafahimul Islamiyyah, Al-Jam'iyyatul Khairiyyah li Tahfidhil Qur'anil Karim, Karim Qur'anil Jam'ul fi 'Ahdi Khulafair Rasyidin, etc..
Usul Fiqh, Hadith Mushtalah, and various other fields to 29 groups with a total of 1800 books.
All books are complete contained in this software, therefore its size is very large, the required minimum Hard Disk 4.2 Giga Byte.

Ability Search
The ability of this software, including:
Opening the book of any kind with ease by Juz and courtyard.
When the difficult search for his book, there are two options, searched in the order (index) letter or by field of science.
When you only know a few words from the title, eg Ihya Ulumiddin, then simply type the Ihya, it will be delivered on its title list of books printed word Ihya.
Looking like. (Note: Like the description verse / hadith / fatwa / discussion related to the answer required.) This is the key importance of this software.
The search is performed by inserting a word, and the software will search the entire book.
If too many results, which can also be limited to a particular book or on specific disciplines. Suppose discussion Masbuq congregation, can be obtained from the books in the fields of Hadith, Fiqh field (madhhab 4), etc..
Searching word in the 1800 book can be done, but obviously time consuming and may not all relate directly to the desired pen.
So by limiting it only to the Book Majmu 'it might be easier. It could also be expanded slightly by adding our list that will be addressed this. Or even, more broadly, namely in the entire book of fiqh in the madhhab of Imam Syafi'iy.
Local search can also be combined from different fields, for example from the field of fiqh madhhab Imam Imam Maliki madhhab Syafi'iy plus, plus areas of Tafsir, Hadith and field and others.
Book installable

Another advantage of this software is the ability to add new books without a total reinstall software. Likewise, users can delete the books that are not wanted as needed. In fact, users can also send one book, for example, in the form of small files to another user without sending the software as a whole, then the file can be read by software Mini Shamila.

How Meng-Install
Operating System must windowsnya Arabic (Win 95 or 98 Arabic), or Win XP dienable Arabicnya. When Windows XP Home version or other languages ​​Arabic Enable the required steps (described below). Note: the original CD of Windows will be needed when changing the settings Win XP it into Arabic.
The empty space at least 4.2 GB Hard Disk, details of 789 MB original file, extract the relevant files covering 137 MB of programs and data files 3:18 GB,
Minimum of 128 MB Memory
Install Steps
Click the file "shamela.exe"
Click the INSTALL button
So this file will generate a new directory Library, which contains the file "SETUP.EXE" and 3 other directories
Double Clik (run) the program "SETUP.EXE"
Select the directory where to save the program (usually in directory "Program files"
Is formed at the directory "Al-Maktabatusy Syamilah" in Arabic text.
To run
click START, ALL PROGRAMS, search for "Al-Maktabatusy Syamilah" in the Arabic text
Click the "Al-Maktabatusy Syamilah" in the Arabic text
The program is ready to display various types of books.

Enable / Preparing for Win XP for bermode Arabic
Click [Start]
[Control Panel] [Regional and Language Options] [Languages]
In Supplemental language support, a small box which pilihlan above (there are 2 boxes)
The computer will install the Arab character of the CD (should have prepared a CD windowsnya).
At this point Windows is ready to be changed to Arabic fashion
Activate Arabicnya mode, through the [Control Panel] [Regional and Language Options] [Advanced]
Select Arabic, with the name of any country (provided that read Arabic), eg, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, and others.

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